Lenten Reflection

Luke 12:13-34; the parable of the Rich Farmer and the teaching about not worrying about clothes and food has been on my mind and heart lately. We could summarise this section as a teaching of Jesus against greed that culminates in behaviours of accumulation for the sake of a secure …

Mentor Training has Begun!

Last week, we kicked off our first cohort of eight trainee mentors with a three-day intensive out at Lake Moogerah.  The Mentor Equipping Queensland course is a three-year course made up of an intensive and two training days each year. We certainly felt Lord’s blessing in both the quality of …

The Pyramid

The pyramid shape represents the groups of people who surround us, from our family members to work colleagues or school friends, to people we go to church with to the doctors we see regularly. The pyramid represents who we are with in life. The Pyramid Ministry Paper

The Triangle

The triangle shape is the predominant shape associated with the C.U.R.E. step of Connect, but can be used across all steps. The triangle shows us the ideal foundation and formation of any relationship. The Triangle

The Circle

The shape of the circle relates to the Understanding step. The circles provide a depth gauge so you can see how deep a relationship is, or see how deep a group is, and perhaps to even see inside yourself more deeply. The Circle